I’ve posted a few times promoting my Patreon page, which I continue to update. I can’t help it; I’m excited to work on it. I’m not someone who is looking at Patreon as a primary business model; I love teaching music. In my opinion, Patreon is another educational tool I can use to help those pursuing their music studies.
Patreon intrigues me, and it may provide the opportunity to reach a different type of music student who would rather dabble in a self-paced learning style, being able to ask questions when they want or need.
I think of my Patreon page as offering students another educational service with additional guidance when needed. My main goal won’t be to create a continuous stream of content, but to upload courses, the sheet music I compose, the albums I record, and educational videos I produce as I make them.
While I’d love for students to continue to subscribe monthly to my page, I’m just as happy to see them subscribe, learn what they want, ask the questions they desire, and then move on to continue their studies more extensively, either elsewhere or with me in my studio online.
I’m an old-school style music teacher trying a little something new. I have no idea where this will go or how it will develop. I’m simply offering my services in an additional format to teaching piano and theory through Zoom and Skype.