Distributing your recordings is simple with today’s technology and resources; many companies distribute your music to all the primary online music retailers and streaming services. Once you have your single or album ready for distribution, search out a company like CDBaby or Distrokid to distribute your album to online music retailers and streaming services, and […]
Composition, arranging, music theory, music production, studio design and self-publishing blog.
Starting your record label
I’m not writing this post as a how-to start a record label; I’m writing this to provide some thoughts to help you research as you move forward with this idea. This post is also not meant as professional legal or accounting advice; always seek out qualified professionals for those tasks. Starting your label is relatively […]
What is a record label
It seems the function of a record label has changed over the years. So many record labels, and each is slightly different. Before modern technology, making an album was much more expensive and out of reach for most musicians. So if you wanted to record an album, a company (record label) would give you the […]
The beauty of Amazon
I don’t have shares in Amazon or affiliate links; I don’t plan on stopping my day job as a private online music instructor. So why am I writing about the beauty of Amazon? In my case, Amazon Canada, but insert the country of your choice. If you’ve read any of my past posts, you know […]
Studio types and purposes
Everyone is unique and has their workflow, passions, and projects. When designing your home studio, you may want to consider the type of studio you want to create. Here are some examples of studios with a particular purpose and some considerations accompanying them. I don’t mean this to be an exhaustive or overly accurate list, […]
Mixing on headphones, yes or no?
There are mixed opinions regarding mixing and mastering with headphones. Binge-watch a series of videos on this topic, or bury yourself in a slough of articles, and two camps form, those that believe it’s alright to mix and master on headphones and those that don’t. Both sides put up a great argument and have their […]
Workarounds for acoustic treatment
In a previous blog post, I talked about acoustic room treatments, and while you should treat your room acoustically, sometimes it’s just not practical. I had mentioned my small, almost square studio as the worst-case scenario. I said I had abandoned acoustic room treatments because no matter how much foam I stuck to the walls […]
Justification for an untreated room
Justification for an untreated room? How dare you! Now that I got your attention, let’s talk about it. Almost everyone with a studio has a treated room. Most have bass traps and wall treatments at their speaker’s first reflection points, perhaps a ceiling cloud above their mixing position. These room treatments deaden, disperse, and absorb […]